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Creating solutions with impact.
Acknowledged by the United Nations.

Creating solutions with impact.
Acknowledged by the United Nations.

Creating solutions with impact.
Acknowledged by the United Nations.

Creating solutions with impact.
Acknowledged by the United Nations.

Founder & Speaker


Founder & Speaker


Founder & Speaker


Founder & Speaker










Software 💻

Working On

Software 💻

Working On

Software 💻

Working On

Software 💻

Working On

  • "One of the best presentations in years!"

  • "Great keynote and information and skills that can be put to use right away."

  • "The keynote was wonderful and knowledgeable!"

  • "The content was timely and needed, and the delivery was great. One of the best advances in terms of topics and presentation in the last several years."

  • "Christian was inspiring and enthusiastic; his presence created a sense of urgency and excitement around trying out something new..."

  • "Christian was very energetic and kept the crowd engaged and interested."

  • "I appreciated that I was able to walk away with tools and skills I could use immediately and directly for my job."

  • "I really liked the green light to use AI and the inspiration of Christian. The energy was fantastic."

  • "Christian was wonderful. His passion, knowledge and ability to articulate and explain this new world we are entering was truly fantastic. I learned a lot and he changed the way I think and feel about AI!"

  • "Christian did a great job of presenting balanced info about AI, and relevant applications."

  • "Thank you for inviting such a charismatic, wonderful expert in the field of AI."

  • "I loved the topic, presenter, relevance and practicality of it all!"

News Stories. Swipe to See More.

News Stories.
Swipe to See More.

  • "Super relevant and addressed a common question: 'How do we get so much work done in a finite amount of time?' Christian was very engaging and gave concrete examples we can use immediately…"

  • "Christian was approachable and interactive…We walked away with things we can implement immediately."

  • "Christian was a fabulous, engaging speaker. I found him refreshing and I learned lots!"

  • "I loved the topic, presenter, relevance and practicality of it all!"

  • "This was the best presenter we have had yet. Thank you!"

  • "Christian was a fantastic speaker and the day was informative and fun."

  • "Would love more quality time with someone like Christian who can train us in what is new and upcoming…"

  • "Christian was phenomenal."

Image of a white 3D rendered wall

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AI Report Systems for U.S. Education.

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From Complex to Simple + Efficient.

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Budgeting + Scheduling for Film.

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The Rundown

Who I Am

Who I Am

Christian Jackson

Los Angeles-Based Creative Technologist

My name is Christian. I'm someone who…

My "Log Line"

My "Log Line"

Connects the dots to reveal efficiencies

...like stars in a constellation. 🌌

One of my closest friends is a brand strategist. We often jam on this idea that the best stories can be told in one-line. In film, it's called a log line: a one-sentence summary that piques your interest enough to want to watch the movie. These ideas made me think, "what is my log line?" The answer always evolves, and any answer requires honesty on who you are and why you do what you do.

So…what's the log line for "Me?" Read above.

What I Do

What I Do

Help leaders turn tech into a tool they wield with confidence.

Nothing grinds my gears like inefficiency.

Inefficiency in education...
in social markets...
in communication...
Hell, even in Los Angeles traffic.

These are the problems that I love to solve, both for myself and for others.

The Question

The Question

Is tech the most efficient way to solve inefficiency?

I'd argue it's not the tech itself, but how we adopt it that matters.

I operate on these two theses –

  1. Simple solves. As ingrained in me since childhood, "keep it simple, stupid."

  2. Those who fail fast-and learn the fastest-generate the biggest impact. As a recovering perfectionist, I know the pain in failing, especially in public. In recovery, I overcame that pain by focusing on an idea greater than myself-inspiring those around me to fail forward.

My Answer

My Answer

Software solutions and speaking sessions that listen.

Allow business leaders and educators cut through the noise.

I prefer to merge tech know-how with a teacher's heart, translating digital buzz into everyday use. Over the course of a year, I honed these skills alongside Kinko's founder, Paul Orfalea.

Socials + Contacts


You want yet another way to get in touch?? This day and age…

2 weeks +


You want yet another way to get in touch?? This day and age…

2 weeks +


You want yet another way to get in touch?? This day and age…

2 weeks +


You want yet another way to get in touch?? This day and age…

2 weeks +

Testimonials. Take a Scroll.

Music of the Month

Keep it Simple.

Ichigo Ichie.

Let's Work.

Keep it Simple.

Ichigo Ichie.

Let's Work.

Keep it Simple.

Ichigo Ichie.

Let's Work.

Keep it Simple.

Ichigo Ichie.

Let's Work.